5 Health and Fitness Podcasts You Shouldn’t Miss Out On


Need a boost to get you through a day at the office or long run? Look no further. We’ve rounded up our favorite health and fitness podcasts that are some of the best ear candy you can listen to. The hosts drop knowledge bombs and help you to take your healthy lifestyle and training to the next level. Enjoy!

1. Rdella Training

Scott Iardella is a former physical therapist and a current strength coach. His podcast has a nice mix of workout tips and interviews with other professionals from the fitness and health field. Scott is an advocate for mobility, kettlebell training and Olympic weightlifting. This guy knows his stuff. Listen here.

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This week’s podcast: We ventured into a new topics with physical therapist and golf fitness professional, Jeff Pelizzaro. . Jeff’s a really sharp guy who’s doing some amazing things in the industry, specializing in strength and performance training for golfers. Learn what he’s doing to be so successful in this niche with 18Strong . In the interview, we discuss several great insights about optimizing performance and I even share my own “golf story” that I’ve never talked about before. . The title of the show is how to get fit and strong for golf performance, but it’s actually so much more than that… . ✅How golf is a lot like kettlebells and weightlifting ✅What Jeff enjoys most about working with the golf population ✅How he uses kettlebells and other trading implements ✅Benefits of the get-up for the golfer ✅Why hypertrophy training is actually a great thing for golfers ✅Advice for coaches or trainers who are looking to work with golfers . Link in BIO . #strength #movement #performance #golf #conditioning #18strong #physicaltherapy #podcast #newepisode #kettlebells #strong #golfswing #kettlebellswing #muscle #learn

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2. Barbell Shrugged

This awesome podcast has 300+ episodes under its belt and more knowledge bombs from top trainers, coaches and athletes than your brain can handle. Check it out while you’re sitting at your desk wondering how you can amplify your next training session. Listen here.


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This episode is peppered in with all the things; how to start and grow an online business, follow your dreams while answering to no one, raising the standard of care for pregnancy and post pregnancy women, debunking pregnancy fitness myths, nutrition chat, and so much more. Fitness and nutrition expert, Nancy Anderson (@nancyandersonfit) M.S. Kinesiology, has paved the way for women to be less scared of “ruining” their bodies from pregnancy, training hard during pregnancy (Crossfit anyone?!), prioritizing self care, and being the breadwinner in her family. Gender norms? WTF is that? She gets raw, real, and down and dirty to how she moved her training business from the gym to online and is on her way to almost a 10x year in her second year of business. In this episode, she chats about how she did it, her tips for others who want to start their own business, finding your passion, and how to stand out in an industry that is so inundated with the “kardashian effect” as she calls it – meaning seeing through the ‘fake-ness’ on social media. Mom of 2 (both c-sections), Nancy trains over 1,000 moms every month online helping them train for pregnancy, train during pregnancy, heal their bodies and bounce back post pregnancy without any of the fluffy pink dumbbell bullshi*t. Real programs, real workouts, real results, based on real science. Listen here for all of this and more plus a few f*bombs. Sorry in advance! – Ryan ———————————– Show notes: http://www.shruggedcollective.com/rc_anderson

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3. TEDTalks Health

If you’ve listened to TEDTalks before, you know how insanely in-depth they are. The TEDTalks Health podcast is no different, with topics that range from simple habits like why humans can’t stick with an exercise plan, to why a deep sleep is so important. If you’re looking for some top quality info from trusted professionals, this is a good one! Listen here.

4. Mind Pump

Hosts (and best buds) Sal Di Stefano, Adam Schafer and Justin Andrews and producer (and also best bud) Doug Egge meet up regularly to chat topics like the right way to do HIIT, how to get big arms and the secret to a great butt. BRB, going to go listen to that one right now. Listen here.


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Mind Pump out on the road shaking hands and kissing babies. Where should we head next?? ? #podcasthard

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5. Found My Fitness

Hosted by Dr. Rhonda Patrick, this podcast dives into the scientific side to living a healthy life. You don’t need to have a Ph.D. to follow along though—Rhonda makes it extremely easy to digest (what could be) complicated health and fitness topics. She also has some pretty rad guests. Listen here.


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Super pumped to hang with @joerogan for the next couple hours!

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Want to see more of our favorites? Check out 10 of the Best 20-Minute Workouts.

The post 5 Health and Fitness Podcasts You Shouldn’t Miss Out On appeared first on FitMinutes.